Visual artist William Boler recalls viewing a documentary by David Driskell, Black Art: In the Absence of Light in 2021.“This film really inspired me, even though I didn’t pick up a paint brush...
Courtney Lapenta became interested in painting during break periods while at college. As a dance performance major, she had little spare time to pursue other hobbies. “It was relieving to create...
Drawing always came naturally to portrait artist, Kadine Stephens. She recalls doodling during church and on the edges of her papers throughout elementary and middle school. “In high school, I...
Raymond Puerini began taking art classes about 13 years ago in local community art centers in Philadelphia and again when he moved to Washington, DC about 10 years ago. “Earlier on, my classes were...
Montressa Hammon is a self-taught artist whose passion for art blossomed on social media after she experienced a stroke in 2020. Feeling particularly inspired by dynamic paint pouring style that...
Amity Chan began using art as a tool for activism in high school, initially experimenting with ways to address human rights issues in Hong Kong and nearby regions. “My focus sharpened in 2019 during...